Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wrongfully Lead?

Am I? Just strike me with the brutality of painful honesty. Is it I who has wrongfully sought? Have these confused choices lead to the descendancy of incorrection? Thought and wonder, just striving, fall and scream through anger and love. A mighty desire of an epic episode of spirituality and true purity. Regardless of what opinions may be spoke in honor of decision, has the plea for freedom been a defiance in my grasp of a northern hope?! Regret and torment circle the inside at a rapid pace in a storm of fury and desparation. Eternal battling propositions clash at a breaking hault falling to the realization of a new born puzzle, a new born opponent, a once known security balancing interally. Guidance, always recommended and offered but turned away due to selfishness. Now, despite the past choices and the spoken words of deliberate disrespect, I lay here in agony for guidance and forgiveness. No matter how much resitance and defense I cannot continue to attempt this never ending internal battle as a one man rebellion. So as I embrace my hope, I ask, guide me, guide me to the path of correction and purity because despite the essential's of life I throughly enjoy, without this at times, I appear in the preview of purgatory. An artificial hatred burns, a feud of selfishness and negative repetition. With expected gifts being demolished, meaningless attacks may be engaged but in a conclusion the same old lesson is learned and portion of this question's mindwide wonder is proven. I am left somewhat satisfied along with a remorseful regret.

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