Monday, November 17, 2008


Every single passing it seems to just get better and for some reason I never realize it until quite a time afterwards. Sometimes it appears as if I'm meant to be oblivious to these realizations. There is one notice that has been brought to my attention this very moment. Never again will this epic be limited to these triple periods. It is coming so fast but for once future presence has not left me with a scar of fear but a filling of excitement. With this ball and chain that has been tied to us our whole lives is finally going to be broken and tossed aside. Despite the nessecary duties we have to fufill after our long awaited release I find a strong sense of freedom and I, aswell as the ones close to me who are approaching this finality, are absorbing it. Fortunately this shall be heading my way early, very early. The future is beholding such a relief, the only anxiety is nonexsistent because we finally have our opportunity to accomplish what we have been starving for, what we have been craving for, what we have been longing for. I am nothing but thankfull and thrilled.

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