Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ignoring Stealth.

The hours are rumaging through the streets of repition, as if the clock was a stallion. The entertainment has kept a man occupied through a timestorm. Surrounding nonsense becomes peacefully ignored with no choice but to do so in the first place. Imprisoned, emtombed, and silent, the thoughts and ideals begin to pour. Imagination River soaks the kingdom of intelligence and stinging irritability is shut out by sounds, sounds of revolving. Once then eyes are shut the image comes into play which just illustrates such a smile on the shooter's face. Almost as if invisible it seems to these ones close-by. The imagery of stealth all of the sudden slams the chaotic world to a bracing hault. Just what if, what if riding the water-colored wheel is at hand right now. Quiet, distant, non-disturbing, these qualities are sprout without any alerting notice. Although still in view, motions and actions are completely ignored which blossoms into a indifferent inhale of peace. Tasting stealth, tasting the air of your own world, and the only ones noticing are your fellow ghosts. Interruption? I beg to differ, more along the thin lines of companionship and recognition. Once again, another long-wished childhood dream, is finally met through the mind.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Striking Change

It is quite possible that this spoken disorder maybe incorrect. A recent strike of exploding change for the positive has taken this point of view and spun it around the world. As the rise of a unbelieveable flip-over begins to overwhelm the handful of struggling remnants, a hope is practically handed to the surviving individuals, thus possibly leading to a reassuring clue, but that is a different epic. Obstacles are finally being demolished by effort and some kind of miracle, getting down to this long business mission is the upcoming task. For the present, the future appears as if holding a pick up in what was beginning to feel like a trainwreck. For now the only thing that seems proper to do, is hope it continues to flow in this direction.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Location Deficit?

So even if the work, intelligence, creativity, and incorporation is put forth, is it all just one overlooked painting? Could relocation of position lead to making a form of difference, a divided thought beleives so the other half begs to differ. Present time is a possible factor which leads to the unfortunate drag of waitings. A childhood dream that I never awoke from still haunts me and awakening just seems unavailable until the achievement of this longed begged goal. Observing the young progress throws these efforts into a dusty abyss. Yet an opportunity of rebirth is placed face to face but I am held back by locking obstacles, once again I've become reluctantly trapped in the tedious process of wait. Although wrong in some outlooks but in possesion of an ownership of a correct plan and source of knowledge to pull off this self-assigned assignment. Patience begins to rapidly close-in from being prevented from performing and creating improved beauty. One desire, one desire just to ignite this drenched candle that is never chanced again. The break-off, the satisfaction, the excitement, the unreality made reality. So difficult but the agenda spread out ready to take charge. Cooperation is the most desparate nessecity, the only nusiance left, how to earn that is still unknown....

Monday, November 17, 2008


Every single passing it seems to just get better and for some reason I never realize it until quite a time afterwards. Sometimes it appears as if I'm meant to be oblivious to these realizations. There is one notice that has been brought to my attention this very moment. Never again will this epic be limited to these triple periods. It is coming so fast but for once future presence has not left me with a scar of fear but a filling of excitement. With this ball and chain that has been tied to us our whole lives is finally going to be broken and tossed aside. Despite the nessecary duties we have to fufill after our long awaited release I find a strong sense of freedom and I, aswell as the ones close to me who are approaching this finality, are absorbing it. Fortunately this shall be heading my way early, very early. The future is beholding such a relief, the only anxiety is nonexsistent because we finally have our opportunity to accomplish what we have been starving for, what we have been craving for, what we have been longing for. I am nothing but thankfull and thrilled.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So brace yourself....


I just felt like posting that, it's always stuck in my head haha.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Possibly heading on tour in April.

April 4th-12th ASBTB, 20 Eyes, and Cascades from Charlotte, NC maybe hittin' the road. Ironically these are the same dates as the tour we went on last year with Battle! & Indifference. Hopefully this time things will go over much better. I'm pretty excited none the less. So far the dates are looking like:

Fayetteville, NC
Wilmington, NC
Myrtle Beach, SC
West Palm, FL
Stuart, FL
Lake City, FL
Atlanta, GA
Knoxville/Johnson City, TN
Richmond, VA

It's a small tour but regardless it'll be a fun one!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Regret's Bitter Aftertaste.

This weight still balances with the informing message earlier received. A uncertain encounter could possibly send all of this strain downhill into wishful thinking. My mind is still dry from the begging of knowledge, the hoping of positivity, the dream of relief. With so much uncertainty igniting from tears of oil these wings slowly burn and the beginning of descending takes act. Just one answer could settle it all, just one and it never comes, just it's it's similar disguises. Now choices are being forced due to the anxiety of being ignorant to the playbook, being miserably discontent with the poorly skilled tactics utilized on the long-planned game day. All that this astray ignorant lone wolf asks for is the prize, a gift out of a long-term struggle. For some reason that seems like a bit much, unforunately that will never be understood.

Friday, November 7, 2008


I've only lasted a paragraph in this chapter written on attempted forgetting. I try to hold up a mental offence to hold the nearly un-stable ground I flail on. The artifical blockade that strives to protect me from the raging blow is a mighty one. As much as fictional rewinding and a favorable miracle would drop a bomb of peace on this psycological warzone it's all just a big fantasy leading nowhere. A strike of apathetic destruction towards this blackened attack of agony is intendened to grow stronger after every sentence. Am I the one who deserves such a task of lessons and regrets? I don't believe so and prefer the neutrality of satisfaction. According to the north this order will forever be assigned, leaving one choice, avoidance. A chapter and a half later the blockade becomes a barricade with a warrior of acceptance standing guard behind. Never again will this kingdom suffer a massacre of hatred and unfairness. Never again will an expected corpse fall into these hands. Never again.

Guitar/Bass Equipment For Sale!

Marshall MG100HDFX Head.

Marshall MG412 Slant Cab.

ESP LTD Viper-100FM Electric Guitar(See-Thru Black) w/Bridge EMG 80 pickup

Rogue 50 Watt Bass Amp.

Boss DS-1 Distortion Pedal

If you are interested in purchasing any of the following items feel free to e-mail me at

Saves the Day

From the fifth floor I schedule my meeting with the moon
Stress, let it go so it don't completely consume
When the vegetables bite back, and the grass starts to sting
I yell up to heaven to get me the hell out of this dream
I fell out of my stream of self-consciousness
And I got welts on my mind to signify all my accomplishments
No matter whose math you use to count the dead
Progress will never rest, in the hand that has no head
Brought my brain a cane and asked it to be my pimpY
ou know, to make sure I don't get stuck up in my fuck ups
A little overanxious I was, to bust nuts
And find the answers making love
Out of a canvas full of touch-ups
I dip my brush into what I've wept for
And wonder out loud as I can, how long I've slept forI
should rob a pet store, let the dogs wild
I should close all the schools just to make the kids smile
Sieze the limit, let the sky be the momentPut the key to the ignition, I'ma ride these donuts
And when it breaks, lock the door, walk away
Won't be nothin else to talk about, nothin else to say

I'm just waiting for the moment I can break away
The only reason that I stay, so I can save the day
See I'm just waiting for the moment, I can break away
The only reason that I stay, so I can save the day
I'm just waitin for the moment, I can break away..

Let's stand on the corner, throw rocks at people
So there's no surprises, written off as evilI sleep next to women that I don't deserve
They like to hurt my pride, while I work their nerves
Once upon a time, it was worth it,When the urges get fed,And the purpose finds a path to the surface
Is respect considered a breakfast food?
I'm guilty of the type of attitude that wrecks your mood
The truth can be pain, and I hate to do it
Either face the music, or get away from me stupid
Super glue it down, now it better not move
See I'm not the best, but I'm in the top two
And I'm not that friendly, when this cup is empty
It's a side effect from trying to find the fucks that sent me
See I didn't just happen, I was made this way
By the same egomaniac that paved this way

See I'm just waiting for the moment, I can break away
The only reason that I stay, so I can save the day
I'm just waitin for the moment, I can break away
The only reason that I stay, so I can save the day

See I gave up lying, but I still tiptoe
I'm as stubborn as they come, and I'm known to hit low
If I had a chisel, I would carve out a hole
For me to hide in everytime the mighty wind blows
Since no one knows, where the hell we gonna go
I'm gonna stand right here, until the end of the show
I'm gonna clap my hands, so don't pass the chance,To unsnap my pants, get on my lap and dance
No longer am I mad about the things I don't have
All I'm living for is love and laughs
The last starfighter's weapons were rendered useless
So we pulled the scissors and cut the cord to end this

For some reason I find an odd relation to this song. If you know me you may question how any of this relates to me. I honestly can't explain it off the top of my head, question me and I'll bet you I'll answer you perfectly.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wrongfully Lead?

Am I? Just strike me with the brutality of painful honesty. Is it I who has wrongfully sought? Have these confused choices lead to the descendancy of incorrection? Thought and wonder, just striving, fall and scream through anger and love. A mighty desire of an epic episode of spirituality and true purity. Regardless of what opinions may be spoke in honor of decision, has the plea for freedom been a defiance in my grasp of a northern hope?! Regret and torment circle the inside at a rapid pace in a storm of fury and desparation. Eternal battling propositions clash at a breaking hault falling to the realization of a new born puzzle, a new born opponent, a once known security balancing interally. Guidance, always recommended and offered but turned away due to selfishness. Now, despite the past choices and the spoken words of deliberate disrespect, I lay here in agony for guidance and forgiveness. No matter how much resitance and defense I cannot continue to attempt this never ending internal battle as a one man rebellion. So as I embrace my hope, I ask, guide me, guide me to the path of correction and purity because despite the essential's of life I throughly enjoy, without this at times, I appear in the preview of purgatory. An artificial hatred burns, a feud of selfishness and negative repetition. With expected gifts being demolished, meaningless attacks may be engaged but in a conclusion the same old lesson is learned and portion of this question's mindwide wonder is proven. I am left somewhat satisfied along with a remorseful regret.


Confliction of opposing thoughts, leave me nothing but a clenched fist around my idea of decision. Disccussion and brought up theory sets me between the sides and possibilities. Probability is still left unproven and I still question this supposed creator. Regardless I still stand this blind position in defense of these hopes and goals. On a heavy and drastic balance of either opposition an ideal is brought up by both every time word of this battle is sparked, still on the pedistool of pondering, whether to hold or fall. Neutrality doesn't seem to be in favor on my part, which is unfortunate due to limited time. There has to be some sort of escape to direct my path towards the answer I'm desiring. Desperation and starvation for this answer is draining my sanity.