Sunday, December 7, 2008

To Enlighten Starvation

Terrorism has taken over a peaceful area located on the south eastern edge, directed at one individual. No others are affected or even notice the mayhem rumaging around them, just that one person who walks with a permanent question, "Why?". When the terroist are truly just a imaginate scare created by the soloing walker himself. Along with that proven reality, the terroise is lead to just be troubled thoughts wreaking havoc throughout his brain. The only divison separating this victim from insanity are the incredible noises which enters his mind through a selection of six senses. The more sounds of beauty enter his ears, the more compressed the desired releasing becomes. Transporting to the north or south east islands appear to be a setting appropriate for the wander's burst. An empire is building and time is passing by with no way to hault seconds the bottled spirit begins to grow too large for it's inner cage day by day. He continues a search for one like oneself to merge, to form twoself, he finds clues, he achieves but something is always raising a barrier. Some sort of ghost, no a planned happening just continues to reoccur and this desparate child falls submissive by the sorrow. The un-fair mishaps tear right through his heart and he reaches that burning point of boiling. The travel to those side-located edges begins and once destination is reached, the breathing begins. He fell to his kness, looked upward, extended his arms, and scream "Break me from alone!"

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